
  • 学部|Bachelor
  • 修士|Master



展示についてAbout Exhibition


In modern times, both the meaning and interpretation of the term “design” have continued to evolve and diversify. Within the Department of Design at Tokyo University of the Arts, however, it can be said that there has been a keen recognition of the states of diversification and expansion in the sphere of design for quite some time.
Reflecting this, a rich range of perspectives within our department’s ten studios have been marshaled to cultivate the profound insights and flexible sensitivities that the public demands. These efforts have been closely allied with the vitality needed to infuse such attributes with solid function and form. That steadfast stance has contributed to a genuinely striking and extensive range of innovative endeavors by our students.
In more basic terms, design may be defined as the strength to weave and integrate vast-ranging knowledge, experience and emotion, all while wielding the power to assimilate the myriad phenomena, demands and other aspects needed to generate lasting value. This mission may also be equated to a move toward greater kindness, joy and beauty. Buoyed by a greater affnity with the world around us, we seek through design to realize our own sensitivities to the fullest extent, manifesting new joy, inspiration, appeal and value, while serving as a guidepost toward greater aspirations and a more fulfilling future.
Blazing a pathway toward personal contemplation and consideration for others, and tapping into the flow of the times with all of one’s faculties. Moving ahead with a positive mindset free of any compromise of creation or fancies. This, briefly stated, is the essence of design. To the students in our department, I look forward to your perpetual embrace of passion and conviction as you take powerful strides in the unrelenting pursuit of your goal.


[デザインDesign ]

第1研究室 デザイン シヴィック|Studio 1 Design Civics
Sputniko! | Assoc. Prof.

第2研究室 デザイン オルタナティヴ|Studio 2 Design Alternative
YANAI Michihiko | Prof.

第3研究室 タイム&スペース|Studio 3 Time & Space
SUZUKI Taro | Assoc. Prof.

第4研究室 ヴィジュアル・コミュニケーション|Studio 4 Visual Communication

第5研究室 デザイン プレイス|Studio 5 Design Place
KIYOMIZU Yasuhiro | Prof.

第6研究室 デザイン プロトタイピング|Studio 6 Design Prototyping
NAGAHAMA Masahiko | Prof.

第7研究室 デザイン エクスペリエンス|Studio 7 Design Experience
YAMAZAKI Nobuyoshi | Assoc. Prof.

第8研究室 ドロー|Studio 8 Draw
OSHIMOTO Kazutoshi | Assoc. Prof.

第9研究室 デザイン エンボディ|Studio 9 Design Embody
HASHIMOTO Kazuyuki | Prof.

第10研究室 デザインクリティカル|Studio 10 Design Critical
UJISAKI Keiichiro | Prof.

LITTLE Taro Peter | Asst. Prof.

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