今から1 万年以上前の縄文時代は自然がむきだしで、天災が起きては人が簡単に死にゆく時代であった。自然と共生する為、人々は日頃から自然へ祈りを捧げていた。縄文土器の装飾、造形は、自然に対する恐怖に常に晒されるがゆえに、自然の中に神の存在を見出し、生への願いや祈りを表現したものである。
This work is created with desire to live, inspired by the decoration of Jomon pottery and the modeling of Shinto.
People in Jomon period had found the existence of God in nature, because they used to be constantly exposed to fear of nature. The decoration and modeling of Jomon pottery is designed for the wishes and prayers for life.
COVID-19, which is prevalent all over the world, made us be conscious about "death" in a closer way than ever and feel "fear". The situation of living with the irresistible threat of nature in the Jomon period is quite similar to the present days of living with the natural threat of an invisible unknown virus.
The Jomon people's reverence for nature is still inherited in modern Shinto. Also, Jomon’s aesthetics lead to Shinto’s.
I incorporated the decorations and sculptures that continued from the Jomon period to modern Shinto into the design, and created a new sculpture with the wish for life in the present days.