1. 一人のアトリエでつくる
2. 制作の出だしではつくったものを人になるべく見せない。反応をもらわない
3. 100個を区切りにつくるものの数の目標をたてる(100が終わったら200、300と)
4. 失敗作も数に入れる
6. デザインの専門用語をなるべく使わない
7. 制作の出だしでは簡単に手が入り安い素材を使う
8. テーマや目的を作らない
9. 立体物の場合、つくったものを太陽光で写真撮影する
10. つくったものの写真をまとめる(この制作ではインスタグラムを使用。他者から閲覧できないように設定)
11. 既に亡くなっている作家を主として参考にする
12. 自分の中の自然さに従う
The act of creating offers a strong sense and conviction of living.
I have been modeling by my own rules without a theme or purpose,
in an empty atelier for about 6 months.
This is a record which is created from those acts and my own changes.
The idea of the growing entity of being, the feeling of being alive in the moment,
to breathe and to live. All of these emotions came from the act of creation.
Whereupon I gain the relief that I had never felt before.
It was a certain thing that came from inside of my body that could not be obtained
from verbal communication, sayings, or fables.
[12 small rules for me]
1. Create objects alone in an empty atelier
2. At the beginning process, try not to show to others what I have made as much as possible. Avoid getting reactions from others
3. Once, set a target number of object to make
with 100 pieces as a unit (when 100 is over, 200, 300...)
4. Include failures in the number.
5. Decide only to "create". If I get bored, change what I do and how I do it. Enjoy the change
6. Use as little design jargon as possible
7. At the beginning process, use readily available and inexpensive materials
8. Create with no theme and no purpose
9. Take pictures of my works in the sun light
10.Compile photos of my work (We are using Instagram for this production. I have set it up so that no one else can see it)
11. Refer to artists mainly who have already passed away
12. Follow the naturalness in me