保存修復日本画[修士]|Japanese Painting [Master]

伝狩野元信筆「花鳥図屏風」東京藝術大学蔵の現状模写および装潢|佐々井 英祐


The Precise Reproduction and Mounting of "Folding Screen with Motif of Birds and Flowers”attributed to Kano Motonobu in the Collection of The University Art Museum -Tokyo University of The Arts | SASAI Eisuke

color on paper, japanese paper(gampi), animal glue, sumi ink, natural pigments, natural dyes, gold paint, folding screen
H151cm × W348.9cm × D1.8cm
作品写真:伝狩野元信筆「花鳥図屏風」東京藝術大学蔵の現状模写および装潢|Photo:The Precise Reproduction and Mounting of