美術とこれからも携わって行くことに対してどう思いますか?How do you feel about the graduates continuing to be involved in art?

東京藝術大学美術学部長 日比野克彦
Katsuhiko Hibino
Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts


I think it’s not a bad idea. (Not a bad idea as in it’s not a bad idea to enjoy feeling something in my pocket even though I don’t quite know what it is just by touching it, but then again, I don’t feel the need to take it out of my pocket to check what it is.) However, I don’t know exactly how much art will seep into their lives. (When I say seep in, I would like you to imagine walking through the woods and hearing the songs of birds. Sometimes you consciously try to listen to the birds, while other times, you only notice them when someone else points it out. If you listen carefully, you notice that there are many different types of birds singing, but you can also walk through the woods without noticing the birds. Depending on your awareness, the songs of the birds will seep into you or not affect you at all.) But I believe it will never truly go away. (Just like the sky, it will never truly go away. Blue skies are not the only skies, cloudy skies are also skies, and even rainy days have skies. There are starry skies and skies that are completely dark. No matter what, the sky will never truly go away.) I cannot confidently say whether the graduates themselves wish to live a life full of art. (What I mean by this is that if there was a time machine and I was asked if I want to ride it, as much as I would like to experience time travel, I cannot confidently say I want to ride it if I was told that the destination was random.) However, as we enter an era where there are various lifestyles and common sense will change, I believe the nature of art will also change. (Change does not mean a transformation into something else but rather a change in perception. For example, we cannot physically perceive a full-scale map, but as the map is scaled down, our perception will relatively change and we are able to perceive the entirety of the map.) At the same time, I also feel that art will never change. (While we don’t know the origin of the universe, the fact that the universe exists will never change.) So, I think it’s natural that our graduates will always be involved with art. (Natural like a baby grabbing something near their hands.)