Tribute to Bob Rogers
From September 2019 to July 2020, I studied printmaking in Pilsen, Czech Republic. On account of the coronavirus outbreak, my initial departure date in March was cancelled. I was stuck for three-and-a-half months in a foreign land, although I never once experienced distress, thanks to Reminiscing with Bob Rogers — a six-hour Saturday night radio show hosted by a 93 year-old DJ. I had been listening to the show throughout my Saturdays of student life.
Even when the Czech Republic was under lockdown, I occasionally travelled to Prague on almost empty trains. Inside a compartment, I would place my speaker on a fold-up table and listen to past recordings of the show, whilst following the shifting scenery — an hour’s ride through evergreen trees, weekend houses, prefabricated panel apartments and castle ruins. Those were my days of social isolation; I still see images of this dreamlike halt slide past me.
Bob Rogers has since retired in October. I decided to make up for my lost Saturdays by creating my own six-hour radio show, along with an illustrated book of songs.
悲しきラジオ 1170
ラジオ番組が終了してから、大切にしていた私の生活の一部分も消えた。悲しみを埋めるため、私自身がDJとなり、6時間のラジオ番組と “ソングブック”を制作し、それらをボブ・ロジャーズに捧げることにした。