友人と「その猿がどこから来たのか」「なぜ首が無いのか」「その首はどこにあるのか」を、その土地の記憶やS F映画などから連想しながら行った会話の中で、猿の首は現実世界には無く、自分たちがよく使う無料3DCGソフトに初期設定から備わっている、モンキーヘッドのオブジェクトとして、バーチャル空間に囚われてしまっているのではないかと仮定した。そして首なし猿の幽霊は、その首を探しながら、猿の好きな温泉がある新北投や、公共浴場のある中心新村を、彷徨っているのでは、と連想した。この会話をもとに首なし猿の幽霊に関するシナリオを作成した私は、シナリオを台湾語に翻訳した。本作品では、そのシナリオを日本人留学生であった私が、日本人訛りで台湾語の正しい発音ではないが、ナレーションとして録音しながら、表情をトラッキングし、Blenderのモンキーヘッドオブジェクトに語らせた。
This work is an episode that adds to some folklore in Taiwan's Xinbeitou district. From August 2018 to November 2019, I studied fine art in Taiwan. About 15 minutes by moped from the Taipei National University of the Art, the military dependents' village named "Heart Village" is there. This village was originally a sacred place for aborigine people, and during the Japanese colonial era, it developed as a hot spring town. No one currently lives in the village, but about 70 houses remain with furniture in the fenced village. When an administrator in there guided me, he said, "ghost headless monkeys are infested in here these days.
In a chat I had with a friend, we guess, "Where did headless monkeys come from?", "Why they are no head?" and "Where is the head?". Then, we assumed that the monkey head is not in the real world. It's in virtual space as a default monkey head object in the free 3DCG software we often use. In the actual village, they are looking for their heads. Furthermore, why the headless monkeys have hovered around Xinbeitou is perhaps related to their loved hot springs. Also, Heart Village has a known public bath.
After that, I created a scenario about the headless ghost monkeys and translated the Mandarin scenario to Taiwanese. Then I recorded the Taiwanese narration by myself. Certainly, the pronunciation was not perfect, and while recording it, I tracked my face and let 3DCG Monkey Head speak. At the long screen of this work, monkey heads are flying around the 3DCG village. The camera view is tracking a monkey head, which floats back and forth between the houses, the layers below it, and the deeper layer. And a part of the screen shows sceneries taken in the real village to make new scenery.