グローバルアートプラクティス[修士]|Global Art Practice [Master]

And Childres's Teeth Are Set On Edge / Oh Mother! Plethora of Fatalism|MESBAHI Ines Jasmine

家具、骨董、絨毯、長椅子、卓、CRT TV / シルク、金の額、母親の髪

| MESBAHI Ines Jasmine

Furnitures & Artefacts, Carpets, Couch, Tables, CRT TV / Silk Fabric, Gold Frame, Mother's Hair
作品1:H250cm × W500cm × D250cm 作品2:H160cm × W160cm × D50cm
作品写真:And Childres's Teeth Are Set On Edge / Oh Mother! Plethora of Fatalism|Photo: