保存修復日本画[修士]|Japanese Painting [Master]

重要文化財「弥勒来迎図」東京藝術大学蔵の現状模写及び装潢|苗 青青


The Precise Reproduction and Mounting of Important Cultural Property "Descent of Maitreya" in the Collection of The Tokyo University of The Arts | MIAO Qingqing

Color on silk, sumi ink, animal glue, natural pigments, natural dyes, gold leaf, gold paint, Hanging scroll
H89.8cm × W45.6cm
作品写真:重要文化財「弥勒来迎図」東京藝術大学蔵の現状模写及び装潢|Photo:The Precise Reproduction and Mounting of Important Cultural Property