One building stands on a single piece of land, and there is a site boundary line between the two buildings. Our lives are largely dominated by these invisible lines. However, what we live in is an expansive space which is not defined by clear lines.
In this production, I designed a housing complex for singles on a single piece of land, focusing on the continuity and fragmentation of the space and the material (dressing) that covers the building at the site boundary, and sought how the continuity of the building and space beyond the site boundary should be.
When a building on a single peace of land somehow crosses the site boundary, it may shake people's fixed and clear perception of the landscape as "building" or "city".
敷地境界は異なる建物が隣り合う場所であり境界のあり方は様々に存在します。真面目に敷地境界に沿ってブロック塀やフェンスを建てている場所、隙間を塞ぐために境界を越えて面が築かれている場所、、、 ここでは境界の在り方を大きく4種類に分けてそれらの特徴を分析してみます。
The site boundary is a place where different buildings are adjacent to each other, and there are various ways of arranging things at the boundary.
Where the fence is built exactry along the site boundary,where the wall is built across the boundary to close the gap between the buildings.Here,
I’ll roughly divide the boundary into four types, analyze their characteristics.